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I took a photo stroll around Delightful Downtown Dunedin the other day, during my lunch break from my day job. It's always nice to get a chance to catch up with Downtown and see what's new. That's when I came across this woman painting dogs on the side wall of Skip's Bar and Grill. Interesting, I thought, and headed over for a closer look. That's when I met Anna Hamilton, mural painter.
It turns out that a neat idea for a wall mural turned into a local phenomenon, complete with support for the local Dunedin Doggie Rescue organization. Click these links to check out a St. Petersburg Times article or a video on VodPod, featuring an interview with the artist, Anna Hamilton. If all of this puts you in the mood to commission a mural for your home or business, Anna can be reached at 727-204-5515.
And be sure to check out We Love Dog Pictures.
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