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Let's count them down... First comes Halloween. The night of terror. No, not really... it's the night of fun and candy and cool costumes. I always look forward to Halloween because, to me, it marks the first holiday of the cool season, and I always want it to be crisply cool for trick or treating. I suspect this is a childhood thing, as I grew up in Virgina and remember that trick or treating was often delightfully chilly and the air was all about Fall and hinting of Winter and the rest of the holiday season.
Then comes Thanksgiving, the wonderful family holiday that inspires reflection and gratitude for all the wonderful things in our lives that we take for granted all year. Turkey Day also marks the next step toward Christmas, and usually promises even cooler temperatures than Halloween. Not to mention, as an adult, I appreciate that Thanksgiving is the first of the three winter holidays that actually comes with TIME OFF! That's right, now we are talking about paid holiday time from work. Yippeeeee!
Finally, we get to Christmas. Now we are solidly into cooler weather (in Florida) and more paid time off to enjoy family and the holiday season. It's that time of year when so many of us become practically giddy with the spirit of giving and the joy of the celebration of Christmas. It's wonderful.
And then, in case you might have forgotten, we actually get ONE MORE holiday... NEW YEAR'S EVE!!! Yup, after all that good fun, we get a little more time off and another excuse to cut loose. Time to celebrate the successes, or survival, of the year just ended, and time to celebrate our optimism about the new year just starting. Perfect!
R & M Autumn Leaf 7 Piece Cookie Cutter Set
6ft Autumn Leaf Garland Decorations
Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic
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