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Now before we go any further, let me be perfectly clear: When I say target practice, I am referring to the TRAFFIC CONES... not the men working on the road. :D
So tell me, be honest now, there is no one here but you and me... when you see those cones lined up in the street like that, don't you want to run them over? I mean, driving down the road, you suddenly spot a long single file of traffic cones... They're sitting there... not moving, just waiting for you. No? Yes? Maybe? Well, I've never done it, but I always get a chuckle when I see them there, waiting for me!
I figure, the bigger your vehicle, the more tempting it is to run them over. And the smaller your vehicle, the more tempting it is to use them as an obstacle course, to see how fast you can swerve back and forth through them to the end of the line.
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