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Greetings from down in the hole. Life changes. Busy moves in. Leisure moves out. Time passes. Blogs suffer. If you love Dunedin, or Clearwater, or Clearwater Beach, how would you like to consider becoming a contributing team member to this blog, or one of my Clearwater blogs? If so, leave a comment with some way to get in touch with you, or find my email address on this blog and write to me. No obligations, no minimum participation frequency (well, at least ONCE in a while).
Susan, I got your number, busy as all get out. I hope you can wait until after the holidays. LH and CC, I don't know what I was thinking, that I could get a chance to contact you this week. Things are pretty A&E at work for the next two weeks. (The E stands for Elbows). I will get in touch soon, but please be patient if it takes until after the New Year.
Meanwhile, life has such a wonderful way of going from good to crap in no time flat. That's why people write songs like "Feelin' way too damn good". Merry Christmas one and all. And if Christmas is not your thing, just replace Merry Christmas with whatever is your thing, and then say it to yourself from me. Thanks.
If you would like to see more of this area, check out Clearwater Beach Daily Photo, and Clearwater Daily Photo. If you enjoy photography, check out my photography blog. Thanks for coming today, I hope you enjoyed your mini-vacation to Dunedin, Florida!