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I passed this little house while on a walk the other day. I thought what a cute little home. Dunedin has some wonderful neighborhoods that are filled with older homes that come from a time when they did not build them quite so big or so fancy. But they built them cozy and cute and homey.
It pays to get off the main drag and see what the neighborhoods around you are like. It's good to know there are neat little houses out there. After all, you never know when you are going to be in the market. In fact, there is a little house down the street from this one that is one the market for US$188,000. That's a lot in some parts of the country, and not much at all in other parts. What's it like where you live?
If you would like to see more of this area, check out Clearwater Beach Daily Photo, and Clearwater Daily Photo. If you enjoy photography, check out my photography blog. Thanks for coming today!