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This seemed like a good picture to post today since I have been TAGGED! Yes,
RO_Pumpkin, from Brasov Romania has tagged me. It goes something like this: When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions we seem to fall into four categories: 1) quite serious about them, 2) be flippant about them, 3) do it because we feel pressured to, or 4) do not do them. So, the purpose of this little game is to let us know which category you are in. Now I am going to tell you about my New Year's resolutions, and then tag a few others for the same thing!
I guess I fit into a fifth category of New Year resolvers. I make them quietly, to myself, and try not to call them resolutions so the formality of it all won't cause too much pressure, or jinx my efforts. So, if you want to call them soft resolutions, that's me. And for 2008, mine sound something like this:
The standards first: I will eat better, I will exercise more, I will speed less, and so forth. Then there are the deeper ones, like I will try to be a better person this year, more the person I think I can be, if only I tried harder. I will not hurt anyone this year, and I will be good for the people I love. I will find ways to make the lives of my loved ones easier, happier, more fulfilling. I will let the love in my heart show more readily, to strangers and friends alike, so that their lives might be just a little better. I will refrain from judgement. I will accept, tolerate, and embrace the differences, opinions, habits, and lifestyles of others around me.
Wish me luck! Now I want to tag a few of my fellow bloggers out there...
Jilly, in Menton, France;
Dan in McKinney, Texas;
Chris in Nashville, Tennessee; and
Annie in Little Rock, Arkansas.
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Clearwater Beach Daily Photo, and
Clearwater Daily Photo. If you enjoy photography, check out
my photography blog. Thanks for coming today!