Okay, it's been over a week since I first posted this story about the free clinic in Clearwater that needs your help. Perhaps you have been waiting for someone else to go first... perhaps you have been wishing for more proof of legitimacy... well here you go.
"Last week, the Garrett Staples Osteosarcoma Research Fund presented the center with a check for $10,000 and issued a challenge to the residents of Tampa Bay. For every dollar donated to the center through April 18, the Garret Staples Foundation will match the amount."
That's right out of the St. Petersburg Times, as of today! Click
here to read it for yourself. This would be a real good time to step up and do something for each other! Please, let people know about this. Even if they don't have $10,000, they can make a difference. Even just $10 will make a difference. Click
here to read the text of the original story.
They are running out of money, and they need help.
here to visit the Center's website (it is not complete yet, but there is good information about them). They are a legally registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation according to the website.
Everyone's financial story is different, so I leave it up to you to decide how to help, if you are so inclined. But consider this... to some of you out there, $100 would be no big deal at all. To others, $1,000 would never be missed, and so on. If you are like me, you might not even have $10 to help with right now.
We all help in ways that we can. I can write about it here, and try to get the word out to more people who might be able to help. You might know someone who can spare $20, or $20,000. Ask them. Tell them. Please. Ask you employers, if appropriate. I am going to ask mine.
If you or someone you know can mail a check, make it payable to: Willa Carson Health Resource Center, and mail it to: 1108 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., Clearwater, FL, 33755. Thanks for reading all this.
*** I am running this at the top of my blog for a while, so just scroll down for the daily photo each day. ***